Monday, September 21, 2009

Sentence Patterns

A background : the sentence
- sentence = complete idea (s,v)(simple, complex = 2 ICs)
Ex: CSL (s) has (v) 3200 talented (m) students (do) in many different programs (p), which are really interesting (dc).
- phrase = incomplete idea (no v)
- clause
IC (independent clause) = complete idea (s,v)
DC (dependent clause) = incomplete idea (s or v)

Terms :
s = subject
v = verb
p = prepositional phrase
m = modifier (adjective)
do = direct object
id = indirect object
; = semi-colon
, = comma
: = colon
- = hyphen
-- = dash: used to insert a comment
"" = quotation marks
CA = conjunctive adverb (therefore, consequently, accordingly, however, hence, thus, then, moreover)
CC = coordinating conjuntion

Pattern 1: IC;IC
Ex: Hardwork is only one side of the equation; talent is the other.
Some people dream of being something; others stay awake and are.
Most of us choose our fate; some let others decide.
The narrator in "The Tell-Tale Heart" claimd he was sane; the police thought otherwise.

Pattern 1A: IC;CA,IC
Ex: The story was not very interesting; therefore (CA), it is not worth reading.
E. A. Poe had a very unsusual life; thus he wrote many bizarre stories.
The princess was very cunning and manipulative; consequently, she was able to discover the secret of the two doors.

Pattern 1B: IC;IC,CC
Ex: The old man had always been nice to me; however, his glasse eye bothered me, and this is why I had to get rid of him.
F. Stockton started out as a woodcarver; he later became a driver, for it was something that he loved.

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